
Window Display lighting

Stop and notice – is the main point in window displays. In retail stores, window displays are often the first areas to make a good impression to a customer. The best way to draw attention is to have well lighted display. Window display is one of the most powerful weapons for your store to stand out from the competition. With light and interesting display you can turn the heads of those passing by and engage them enough to stop, look back, and walk into your store. 

When the light has drawn the attention to the store window, the interesting whole and products will lure the customer into the store. It is important to design the display to work also when the store is closed, because it will get the customers to come back for shopping when the store is open again. With a well done window display your shop also stands out from your neighborhood stores. The main point of and the most important thing is to get noticed by the customer.  

How the light spots on the products and which direction it is coming from should be the main points in lighting a window display. Our products made in Finland are perfect for lighting window displays. These high quality and long lasting lighting fixtures are easily customized for all of your needs. We are happy to help you to create a head turning window display.